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Stay at home mom with dreams of perfecting all things mama.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Train them up in the way they should go...

Yesterday, while I was reading Skyelynn some Sesame Street books, Melanie started telling me everything Sesame Street teaches babies.

"Mom, Sesame Street teaches babies the letters, how to count, how to brush teeth, shapes, and all the things they don't know. But it doesn't teach babies about God."

Kids are awesome at observing things like this. I took this opportunity to ask her an impromptu question and record her response. Try it. It's fun to see what kids will say and you'll be surprised at just how wise they are.

Take Ten!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wear them out...

This is what I do on semi nice and nice days to wear my kids out. We race!

This activity is great because it not only encourages exercise but also helps with learning to follow directions.

Here's what you do:

1,) Tell them where to line up for the start of the race.

2.) Give them a direction (touch your nose and run, pat your tummy and walk, skip, etc)

3.) Count while they are coming to the finish line and tell them how long it took them to get there!

I promise you, they'll love it! And they'll be ready for bed time sooner rather than later. Double score!

We did this at the park one day, it started out with just my kids playing and within 5 minutes we had 8 kids playing along with us!

Take Ten!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Make it up as you go along..

Kids love to imagine, they love using things in different ways. An old toy can become something totally new and exciting by creating a new way of playing with it.

This morning the kids and I were playing catch. Easton brought the hula hoop over and I decided to make the game more exciting. Hula hoop basketball was born.

Not a super creative game, not really difficult, but different enough to hold their attention and get them moving and having fun.

The game also helps with hand-eye coordination and depth perception.

Take ten to play something new with your kids!