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Stay at home mom with dreams of perfecting all things mama.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

paint your walk

The other day we did something out of the ordinary. We make sidewalk paint.

Easy recipe: Equal parts cornstarch and water mixed together. Add food coloring and glitter.

I didn't measure, I just eyeballed the amount of cornstarch and water, so it came out a little watery. It still worked and it was still fun!

And it is completely washable.

Take Ten!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

fourth fun!

This project was found on Pinterest and it is so easy and fun!
Fireworks in a jar:
food coloring

Fill jar with water. Fill lid with 3 tablespoons oil (I used olive). Put in different drops of food coloring and mix. Drop it all in the water and watch the show.

That's it!

Take Ten!